Sunday, April 18, 2010

A short post on Appropriation

Some quotes that I find interesting.

Richard Prince: you have to play the picture, you can't play yourself.

Kruger: I am prone to a kind of lascivious optimism. I want to question the notions of heroism and skew the conventions which loiter around depiction. 

Yve Lomax as quoted by Tickner: she knocked some metaphors off the table.

Stezaker: What is hidden in that surplus, that excess [of images], is what interested me, because it's clear that it is the tension between the world of excess and the world of everyday reality governed by its rationalist forces

Aragon quoting Ducasse: a maxim does not need to be corrected. It needs to be developed.

Debord and Wolman: Detournement is less effective the more it approaches rational reply.  

Duchamp: use a Rembrandt as an ironing board. 

Warhol: when you see a gruesome picture over and over again, it doesn't really have any effect

Retort: Empire and "Jihad", two virulent mutations of the Right.

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